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The subject of solar panel maintenance is a delicate topic amongst solar panel owners. Many might argue that it is absolutely important, while others might say rainwater will simply sweep away any panels’ issues.

The solution lies somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. You don’t have to clean your solar panels, but you’ll lose some productivity if you don’t. Rain will undoubtedly flush away some contaminants accumulated on the panels, but it will not be as efficient as a thorough clean.

In general, the accumulation of dust, grime, pollen, and debris on solar panels reduces the energy conversion efficiency panel by about 5%. So how do you clean your solar panels?

First Step

Cleaning solar panels isn’t a difficult task itself. The most challenging step is obtaining the tools necessary to reach the complete surface area of the panel, which will vary depending on the size of your panels.

You may not need to do much to clean your panels, depending on the degree of the damage. This is why we advise you to assess the panels first. Examine them to see how much trash, grime, and substance build-up has accumulated on the panels, for instance, bird droppings.

Second Step

If the filth on your panel is primarily due to dust and grime accumulation, you’ll probably only need a simple hose pipe to clean it up. If your lawn hose can reach your solar cells, that should suffice. Simply wash them with water and you’re all set to go. You can leave them out in the sun to dry.

Just make sure you don’t use high-pressure sprays or a pressure washer to wash the panels. This could scrape or damage the panels, resulting in decreased productivity and effectiveness.

Third Step

If the debris on your panels is more than simply dirt and dust, including sticky substances like bird poop or thick plant elements, you should scrub them thoroughly.

However, you wouldn’t want to be too harsh on the panels. Choose a gentle scrubber, scraper, or brush to avoid scratching or damaging the panels. Also, choose a gentle soap that contains no chemicals that could hurt or deteriorate the panels. Now soak your scrubber or brush in soap water and gently scrub away all the impurities and substances. Once you’re done, wash the panels with clean water again and let it dry before operating.

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